The Enemy

Morning all. Kenny Grice here. I've been inundated by messages saying "Kenny, what do you look like? Where do you live?". Well, folks here I am. Ladies - I am spoken for.

The weather is really nice here today in London today so I might go out for my hour's walk this afternoon. I will try to do a new update later on.

I've got the Wikipedia affair, impersonating a policeman affair, the fake interview with a fake journalist affair, the list goes on and on. I shall be retired by the time I finish this.

I notice all trace of "Mark Layton" has been removed from the "Official" FB page. Has he done a runner? Has he noticed and fled from the sheer insanity of it all? Did The Author get out of her depth with comments from non gullible members? F*ck knows.

I might post later. I have no idea about what!

Stay safe. Kenny Grice saying goodbye.


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