The Pit

Time to look at the Author's version of the Peter Wyngarde story from 2016. Remember her take on PW's birth year in the Lying Toad "Official Biography"? She really rounded on Alan Bates biographer Donald Spoto for quoting Peter's birth year as 1933. Only 4 years (Spoto's book was written 10 years ago) look who was saying the same as her arch nemesis Spoto. It is the Lying Author. She can't have any teeth left. She has worn them out lying through them incessantly for 57 years.

For someone who can use only one finger she has verbal f*cking diarrhoea.

Notice how 4 years ago, definitely pre self inflicted deNazification, she is still Bate.

How strange. No mention of his homosexual lover Alan Bates or the two public lavatory cottaging incidents. Fancy. She falls for all Peter's old line of bullshit re his history.

She tells the National Portrait Gallery that they have the wrong date of birth yet 4 years later, a few name changes and she is singing the same tune of 1928. She lies so much she can't remember what she says a while back.

It is Bingo time. Eyes down ready to go. Lets play Benefit Scrounger Bingo!

Ankylosing Spondylitis
Lost all feeling in right hand
Partial feeling in my left
Dizzy spells
Extreme fatigue
Painful bloodshot eyes
Dislocations and weakness in joints and extremities
Loss of co-ordination and dexterity
Asperger's Syndrome
Unable to hold a pen due to numbness in right hand
Two middle fingers of right hand were splinted and bound together because of a dislocation
Right hand was badly bruised and burned due to a recent attempt to cook a meal
Inflammation of the spine
Jaw dislocates
Inflamed left eye

Pins and screws in her right knee *
Steel rod in her back *

* Her ATOS Benefit Claim interview was the 19th March 2012 so how come the steel rod stuck up her f*cking arse wasn't mentioned in the interview? And the "various pins and screws in her right knee". Did she run out of time? Judging by the list I have put up there then it is possible. More likely the car accident is yet another pack of f*cking lies. and so is the right knee bollocks. Lies, lies and more lies. Wherever I've dug all I've come up with more f*cking untruths. How could anyone live their sorry little life based on a never ending succession of porkies!

The woman is clearly a miracle of modern science or a habitual liar. You the jury must decide. BTW hanging was outlawed in 1965.

And how the f*ck did she research, type or dictate a book 510 pages long? With all her complaints it is a miracle she is still able to belch. I presume if she was very religious her church would have built a plastic shrine in the shape of the Author declaring her amazing recovery as The Miracle of Clock Face. Pensioners could come by the bus load and let their dogs piss and shit all over it.

Anyway eyes down for a full house and the winner gets a free call to the free phone Benefits Fraud hotline to drop her in the cack. The DWP are going to have a field day over this load of lying shit that will have to be grassed to them.

Lie of the Day: the alleged holiday in France with Peter in June 2003. As per the Turkey trip there have never been any photos produced. Fancy. She says they spent French francs whilst over there. There was a slight problem France had switched to the Euro in January 2002! The French franc hadn't been legal tender since March 2002! When someone challenged her online she said she must have been to the only place in France that was still using the French franc. Oh grow up! You've been caught lying again! Which bank or foreign exchange till in the UK would issue travellers with an outdated currency that hasn't been legal tender for nigh on 18 months? The author is a LIAR.

Rules for making a good liar:

1) You need a good memory
2) Always research the lie you are going to tell for factual accuracy.


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