The Saucer

Well, what a surprise. NOT. The author turned down the offer of peace. It shows how f*cking deranged she is. She can't bear the thought of the two groups being civil to one another. She would rather be Tina, "Carol", "Mark Layton" or "Nora" and get the misplaced sympathy from those who believe the crap she churns out. Sad.

I have also set up a new "Official" FB Group. The Author has no right to call her Group official so why shouldn't Kenny Grice call mine "Official"? I have as much right as The Author.

This is going to be a mixed bag today. Kenny has kindly filmed a new video as he starts his plan to repudiate all the lies told about him in the "Official" Biography. I like the way Kenny takes us around my home town. Great to see the sights of London with our old mucker Kenny Grice.

I think I will save the unlawful emails purporting to be from Merseyside police force that she sent until tomorrow. Has she mentioned those on her "Official" FB page? She hasn't? Fancy.

I will leave you with this Ebay listing of her shitty f*cking pack of lies. Notice what category it is in? Couldn't be more bloody appropriate. LOL.

I'll sithee. KG.


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