
The Saucer

Well, what a surprise. NOT. The author turned down the offer of peace. It shows how f*cking deranged she is. She can't bear the thought of the two groups being civil to one another. She would rather be Tina, "Carol", "Mark Layton" or "Nora" and get the misplaced sympathy from those who believe the crap she churns out. Sad. I have also set up a new "Official" FB Group. The Author has no right to call her Group official so why shouldn't Kenny Grice call mine "Official"? I have as much right as The Author. This is going to be a mixed bag today. Kenny has kindly filmed a new video as he starts his plan to repudiate all the lies told about him in the "Official" Biography. I like the way Kenny takes us around my home town. Great to see the sights of London with our old mucker Kenny Grice. I think I will save the unlawful emails purporting to be from Merseyside police force that she sent until...

The Peacemaker

This will be the only entry on this blog today. To the Author.   We are offering you the chance to come to the table to discuss peace terms with us Kenny Grice. As Kenny said yesterday Grice is a network of several dozen people who care passionately about Peter Wyngarde but are not going to stand by and see his reputation tarnished. There is no reason why your blog/group can't still exist alongside our group. We promise not to back stab you but you have to cease with these constant attacks on us. Forget the biography for goodness sake. You must know that your view is diametrically opposed to ours and it annoys the hell out of us when you tell tales that are totally untrue. And please stop this silly pretence of being other people. If we are to move forward like adults this really must cease today. As a token of good faith we will not post anything on here today. May we be as bold to suggest that Montgomery be an intermediary if you require one? A lovely...

The Condemned

I see The Author's tawdry tat has reached the highest office and got The Presidential Seal of Approval. Even, I, Kenny Grice feels like I should applaud this incredible achievement. Well done. I mean that most sincerely folks. What a man. Now, have you ever read such a f*cking shit load of bollocks as I, Kenny Grice, am about to reveal to you today? I think not. We (not the royal we) have now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that The Author is away playing with the faeries she encountered at the bottom of her garden at Der Clock Face. Cop at look at this. Have you ever read such narcissistic shite as this before? No way Pedro. She is f*cking mad. I am struggling for words how to describe what you are going to have to read below. It is sickening me to my very core. As you have seen I am right hard bastard. This is so f*cking crackers that it beggars belief how the loony woman put this into the public domain. It so obviously fake! The ...

The Enemy

Morning all. Kenny Grice here. I've been inundated by messages saying "Kenny, what do you look like? Where do you live?". Well, folks here I am. Ladies - I am spoken for. The weather is really nice here today in London today so I might go out for my hour's walk this afternoon. I will try to do a new update later on. I've got the Wikipedia affair, impersonating a policeman affair, the fake interview with a fake journalist affair, the list goes on and on. I shall be retired by the time I finish this. I notice all trace of "Mark Layton" has been removed from the "Official" FB page. Has he done a runner? Has he noticed and fled from the sheer insanity of it all? Did The Author get out of her depth with comments from non gullible members? F*ck knows. I might post later. I have no idea about what! Stay safe. Kenny Grice saying goodbye.

The Ivy Curtain

F*cking hell. She has really lost it today. She is pretending to be "Mark Layton" now. Look stop it love! It is embarrassing. You are making a complete f*cking tw*t of yourself. Call it a day please. You must have about two people that believe your bullshit. It is INSANE. Get professional help and I really do mean that. Bow out with whatever dignity you have left. There is no shame in that. For your own good let it go. Anyway lets see what "Mark Layton" has to say. BTW "Mark Layton" was used in 'The Professionals' as an alias for Doyle in the S2 episode 'Blind Run'. I presume that is where The Author got the name "Mark Layton" from. Look how the message is written in her usual style. LONG LIVE THE KING. So, I am illiterate? I have more followers of this blog than you have love. At least people can have a good laugh for the right reasons here. I presume "Carol" had a bad case of the thrup...

The Pit

Time to look at the Author's version of the Peter Wyngarde story from 2016. Remember her take on PW's birth year in the Lying Toad "Official Biography"? She really rounded on Alan Bates biographer Donald Spoto for quoting Peter's birth year as 1933. Only 4 years (Spoto's book was written 10 years ago) look who was saying the same as her arch nemesis Spoto. It is the Lying Author. She can't have any teeth left. She has worn them out lying through them incessantly for 57 years. For someone who can use only one finger she has verbal f*cking diarrhoea. Notice how 4 years ago, definitely pre self inflicted deNazification, she is still Bate. How strange. No mention of his homosexual lover Alan Bates or the two public lavatory cottaging incidents. Fancy. She falls for all Peter's old line of bullshit re his history. She tells the National Portrait Gallery that they have the wrong date of birth yet 4 years later, a few name...